How to Change your Website’s Category in Websense

One of the lessons that I learned earlier this year when launching a new website with an old domain was that the site was mis-categorized by Websense, and therefore being blocked for many visitors.

Fortunately, a person that I know at a university which used Websense let me know about the problem, but this is something that should be on everybody’s checklist when launching a new site!

It only took about a day to remedy the issue, and you can follow steps on Websense’s site to clear things up.

At a high level, here are the steps you’ll take:

  1. Register for an account
  2. Enter the URL you wish to validate and change on the Site Lookup Tool. Try it with and without http.
  3. If you feel the classification shown is incorrect, fill out details and select a new category. My site was being blocked altogether originally as a parked domain, even though it had been a live site for months.  In other words, don’t assume that they re-scan once content is live.
  4. Fill in some brief comments and hit submit.  You’ll receive a confirmation email.
  5. My site was updated very quickly, but it can take a few days for some people.

Overall, it was a very painless experience!  Make sure to check your site to ensure you’re not being blocked by the companies and universities that use Websense.